Help MSC build a new dock | Minneapolis Sailing Center

Help MSC build a new dock

2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of Minneapolis Sailing Center. As we look back over the past 30 years, Minneapolis Sailing Center has grown from a small group of 20 students to one of the largest sailing schools in the U.S. with enrollment of more than 1,000 students and 250 members last summer. Looking forward, as MSC continues to grow we want to keep offering the community the best experience in sailing possible.

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We have outgrown our current space and are in need of new outdoor classroom decking and a multi-functional dock. Our capital campaign is set to raise $125,000 to build a new deck around the current boat house and to purchase a multi-functional docking system which will allow MSC to be more accessible and user friendly to all ages of sailors.  Our goal is to start installation of a new deck and dock system spring 2019.

Check out our Capital Campaign page for more information and to donate.

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